20 April 2012

3D Surface Modeling --- "The ViewCube"

The ViewCube is a 3D navigation tool that appears when the 3D graphics system is
enabled. With the ViewCube, you can switch between standard and isometric views.

Once the ViewCube is displayed, it is shown in one of the corners of the graphics
window over the model in an inactive state. The ViewCube also provides visual
feedback about the current viewpoint of the model as view changes occur. When the
cursor is positioned over the ViewCube, it becomes active and allows you to switch to
one of the available preset views, roll the current view, or change to the Home view of
the model.

1. Move the cursor over the ViewCube and noticed the
different sides of the ViewCube become highlighted and
can be activated.
2. Single left-mouse-click when the Front side is activated as
shown. The current view is set to viewing the Front side.

3. Move the cursor over the Counter Clockwise arrow of
the ViewCube and notice the Orbit option becomes

4. Single left-mouse-click to activate the Counter
Clockwise option as shown. The current view is orbited
90 degrees; we are still viewing the Front side.

5. Move the cursor over the Left arrow of the ViewCube
and notice the Orbit option becomes highlighted.

6. Single left-mouse-click to activate the Left arrow option
as shown. The current view is now set to viewing the
Top side.

7. Move the cursor over the top edge of the ViewCube
and notice the roll option becomes highlighted.

8. Single left-mouse-click to activate the Roll option as
shown. The view will be adjusted to roll 45 degrees.

9. Move the cursor over the ViewCube and drag with the
left-mouse-button to activate the Free Rotation option

The orientation of the model can
also be changed to base on either
the UCS or the WCS by clicking
on the coordinate setting option
below the ViewCube as shown.

10. Move the cursor over the Home icon of the ViewCube
and notice the Home View option becomes highlighted.

11. Single left-mouse-click to activate the Home View
option as shown. The view will be adjusted back to the
default SW Isometric view.

12. In the Visual Styles toolbar, click on the 3D Hidden icon to
display the model with hidden lines removed.

13. On your own, use the
ViewCube to rotate the
model and examine the
constructed surface model.

• Reset the display to SE Isometric view before proceed to
the next section.

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